Let your journey start with Smart & Co

Our clients house sale is our foremost objective.

Our team believes that selling a home is all about connections, communications and a robust marketing strategy. This is what we love, what we are good at and what we are passionate about. This combination helps us to work seamlessly with our clients during this momentous life change and find that all important buyer.

Very much like driving to a new destination, even though you’re in the driving seat, that's not quite the end of the story. It’s just the start. Dealing with the twists and turns along the way demands a professional team, some support, patience and plenty of positivity. Consider our relationship as a new opportunity to ‘open the door’ to your new future and new beginnings.

Here are are few points to help achieve a pro-active and successful sale:

  1. Prepare your home: Ensure your home looks at its best so that it can stand out from the crowd. First impressions count. You can choose whether to add a few aesthetic touches or set the stage completely. As a minimum, it can be helpful to de-clutter, clean, and yes, if a wall needs painting or your bathroom needs de-grouting, do it, your prospective buyer will appreciate this. On the other hand if you are selling a property that requires a complete refurbishment, then that’s fine too - there are many buyers reaching out for this type of home.

  2. Secure The Market Appraisal: the market appraisal is the ‘main event’. This provides you with the value of your home and the figure that will be presented to buyers. Usually, we would visit you in person to provide this information. At this stage our valuer will also explain the documents you will need to sell your home and discuss arrangements for a solicitor and if required, a mortgage advisor. This meeting will be positive and provide you with the confidence that Smart & Co are dedicated to you as our new client.

  3. Make information available: When we appraise your home, it is helpful to have as much information as possible from you to make your home as marketable as possible, particularly if your home is leasehold or if recent home improvements have been carried out.

  4. When is the best time to come to market?: Practically the answer to this is “As soon as you’re ready”. Everyone will have different reasons for wanting to sell a property and at Smart & Co we treat all clients individually whether they are selling to move to a new home or have other reasons for the sale.

Smart & Co will help you find a buyer by:
  • Providing a named Valuer who will put in place a marketing strategy using all the marketing tools available

  • Agreeing a selling price for your home by taking into consideration market conditions, property condition plus your timescales and personal considerations

  • Initiating and securing viewings

  • Providing a named Negotiator to provide feedback and achieve the best price for your home with a proceedable buyer

  • Providing a named Sales Progressor to navigate the journey to the sales completion of your home

  • Listening to your questions and requests and being genuinely interested in you and your home

  • Being contactable by phone, email, text, social media and offer a 24/7 access to an information service

  • Ensuring all our team are fully briefed on your home and treat you respectfully and with kindness.

Our goal is to sell your home and we never take our eye off this objective. You and your ambitions are our priority.